What happens after my purchase with the payment option purchase on account ("auf Rechnung"):

1. For companies in Germany, Austria, Switzerland or any of the countries below*

After a positive credit check we will approve your order and deliver the goods. This regularly takes only a few minutes.
Because of high expenses for the credit check we reserve the right to switch to an alternative payment method of your choice for orders of less than 500 EUR net without credit check.

2. For authorities, public institutions, public schools etc. 

You can order via the webshop, by mail or by fax. The order will be approved immediately. 
(Hint: If you order before 12:00 o'Clock we will be able to dispatch the goods the very same day!)

All orders are beeing checked and approved manually, which should happen within minutes inside our business hours.

*Purchasing on Account is available in Andorra, Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greede, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Canada, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuana, Luxemburg, Malta, Monaco, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Schweden, Switzerland, Slowakia, Slowenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary, United States of America (USA)

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